Hem » Diagonal plows
Mählers Diagonal plows set high standards for snow clearing with trucks
Mählers offers a wide range of diagonal plows that are known for their wear resistance, road contact, safety and ability to keep the roads clear of snow, winter after winter. Choose the plow that suits your needs.
Our popular Rossö plows cover all-round needs and are available in a number of versions. The DPD combination plow throws the snow equally well in both directions. If you are looking for a new plow for areas with deep snow, our high-throw DPH is the obvious choice. Flexiway is gaining more and more ground in highway districts that are looking for a modern plow with adjustable blade pressure, lateral displacement etc. that gets right down to the road surface.
Sprung, individually suspended cutter units are standard on all our plows and the obvious choice for your safety.
Phone: 0624-512 350
Email: info@mahlers.se
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